Bye Bye 2018!

Every new year is a challenge to me - a long-term challenge - that I'm trying to face. The last year was very stressful for many reasons, but I learned so much through it. 2018 was a tough year, but interesting! so many events, trips, works, obstacles, fun..etc.! I will remember this year forever. I learn some things every year but this year, in particular, taught me some very hard and important lessons. Here some lessons I've learned from 2018:

1- Cut off these toxic people right now- I am trying so hard to make positive changes in my life and also to make peace with things I cannot control. But to my surprise, some people in my life cannot see me moving on. Avoid them immediately!

2- I wasted so much time being on phone, visiting cafes, taking pictures, .etc. Today when I look back I honestly regret wasting time on things that do not any way make me happy or result in my personal growth. Believe me, In adulthood, you can afford to lose your money but you can never compensate your time!

3- Imperfections are part of life and all I should pay attention for is progress, not perfection.

4- Moving with the flow is a BAD.. VERY BAD IDEA!

5- Never be in hurry to announce your achievements on a social media platform. What made me feel more pathetic was explaining people (who do not matter to me) about my setbacks.

6- The myth of you are always right.
We think we have the answers, know what's right and wrong, good and bad. But we aren't always right.

7- Travel expands you.
Travel makes you a more interesting, insightful, and accepting person.

8- Risk expands you.
To make a positive change in your life, you often must take a risk. You must tolerate some level of uncertainty.

9- Friendships need care.
Friendships need time and attention. They need to be prioritized not just in word but in deed.

10- Simple is better.
A life full of complications, obligations, and an overwhelming schedule make life more difficult and stressful. A simpler life in all regards gives you more space for joy.

Finally, keep in mind that no one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day. Build yourself a home. Nurture your body. Find something to work on. Something that makes you excited, something you want to learn. Yes, there are good people out there, but you have to learn to be independent. Get yourself some books and learn them by heart. Get to know the author, where he grew up, what books he read himself. Take yourself out for dinner. Dress up for no one but you and simply feel nice. It’s a lovely feeling, to feel pretty. You don’t need anyone to confirm it.

Simone de Beauvoir said, "Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay". Be ready for the new year and thankful for 2018 with its ups and downs and go ahead for the new challenge with new plans and new obstacles to face. ;)

My challenges in 2019 are significant and much bigger than the past 2 years. A lot of work, events, projects, and people to meet. I'm so motivated to face all of them! <3 . Remember, every new year is a new challenge.

What is your challenge in 2019?

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